Questions people ask about our initial consultations
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Internet and social media law legal advice frequently asked questions
When you book your initial consultation with a specialist social media lawyer, you will secure for yourself an in-depth conversation, legal advice and the knowledge and the legal experience of some of the most experienced internet law legal experts in the country. Our consultations are unique as they give you as much time as you need with an expert social media lawyer, and they are followed by a written advice letter.
Table of content
What is exactly covered by your unique Full Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee
How long does the consultation with the social media lawyer last
Do you charge extra if the consultation goes for longer than an hour and a half
Will the lawyer be able to solve my legal matters during the consultation
Can I send the lawyer information, links and evidence in advance of the consultation
What is the cost of the initial consultation with an expert social media lawyer
What if following the consultation I want to instruct you to carry out further work for me
What if I don’t have a good case, would you tell me this
What happens if I am not completely satisfied that I receive value, can I ask for my money back
I live quite far from your offices, do you offer telephone consultations as well
How to book an initial consultation for legal advice with a specialist social media lawyer
How much does the initial meeting with the solicitor cost
What is exactly covered by your unique Full Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee
Our Full Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee gives you an unlimited time with an expert social media solicitor.
The initial advice covers preparations for a one to one session and in depth conversation with an expert social media lawyer which is unlimited in time and a guarantee to give you full value for your money so that at the end of the consultation, we promise that you will be more knowledgeable about your matter and the various solutions to it. You will be the judge of it.
How long does the consultation with the social media lawyer last
A typical initial consultation, to provide legal advice on defamation, harassment, online blackmail, removal of posts from the internet or on online business matters, often lasts between 60-90 minutes.
Do you charge extra if the consultation goes for longer than an hour and a half
If the consultation lasts longer than an hour and a half, it will continue without an extra charge.
Will the lawyer be able to solve my legal matters during the consultation
Sometimes we can solve our clients’ matter during the course of the initial consultation and we will always try to do so. It would depend on how easy or complicated the solution is. in most cases, by the end of the consultation, your lawyer will be able to direct you to the steps that you need to take to solve the mater.
You can certainly expect to be offered strategic solutions and a clear path to having the matter resolved. If your matter is unlikely to be resolved from a legal point of view, we will tell you this. It is important for our clients to know where they stand regardless. This enables them to look for other solutions that might be outside of the sphere of legal advice.
We will always tell you things as they are and we will arm you with knowledge and understanding of your situation and any possible solutions. There might, of course, be situations where the lawyers’ advice would be sufficient for you to go and take steps to solve the matter very quickly and with no additional expense to you.
Can I send the lawyer information, links and evidence in advance of the consultation
Sure. You may send us information ahead of your consultation with the expert social media lawyer. Depending on the volume of the information that you send us, the lawyer will aim to review the evidence for the purpose of giving you initial advice.
It is helpful for your lawyer to have the important information ahead of the consultation so that your lawyer can get prepared ahead of the call, which means, your time with the lawyer can be devoted to further investigation of the matter and to providing you with solutions.
If the amount of information that you intend to send to us is exceptionally high, we might advise you that your matter is not suitable for a fixed fee initial consultation.
I already have a solicitor but I want a second opinion. Can I still take advantage of your Full Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee consultation
Yes you can obtain a second opinion. We think that if you have already spent thousands of pounds with your current lawyer and have doubts as to whether or not you have received value for your money, it is a very good idea to obtain a second opinion. It will give you a fair and objective second opinion on your matter and this is covered by our Full Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee offer.
I went on the internet and found lots of lawyers who offer free consultations.
Many of the individuals who come and see us or who book their telephone or video consultation with us have already obtained free legal advice, which they found too brief, unclear not sufficiently informative.
Solicitors, like any other trade, sometimes offer free initial consultations in order to capture new clients. It is therefore likely the free legal advice lawyer’s focus will be on capturing you as a fully paying client, rather than on giving you full and effective legal advice. Because you pay for the initial legal advice, with Cohen Davis, you get the full advice.
With our Full Money Back Guarantee consultation we don’t necessarily expect to see you again on the same matter. The focus of the initial consultation is to give you sufficient information to solve your matter in the most cost effective way. This way, you get fair and effective advice and we get paid for our time.
What is the cost of the initial consultation with an expert media lawyer
The cost of a full 60-90 minutes in person, video or telephone initial consultation with an expert social media and internet lawyer is £469 which is all inclusive and this is completely backed up with our Full Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee to make sure that you receive full value for your investment.
What if following the consultation I want to instruct you to carry out further work for me
If following your consultation with the expert social media and internet lawyer you decide to instruct our firm, we will tell you what further work needs to be done, and we will price it up for you and if possible, offer you a fixed fee for your case. If, for example the best solution to your matter is to send a letter to the other side, we will give you the choice of writing it yourself, or letting us prepare it for you and to deal with all the follow up communication for a single fixed fee.
What if I don’t have a good case, would you tell me this
100%. Even if you consider taking legal action, we will fully advise you on the likelihood of success, as well as on reputational risks that you should take into account. You can expect from us a straightforward answer whenever we can give you one.
What happens if I am not completely satisfied that I receive value, can I ask for my money back
The aim of the initial consultation is to help you understand the issue that you are facing and to help you consider a variety of solutions to it. Whilst we might be unable to completely solve the issue for you during the initial consultation, your lawyer will certainly add value to you with information, knowledge experience and strategies that the lawyer will be sharing with you, capitalising on over 25 years of experience the lawyers in the firm have.
In the unlikely event that following your consultation you did not feel that we added at least £469 worth of value to you, you can ask for your money back and we will honour your request with no bad feelings. The only catch is, that if you ask for a refund of the consultation fee, we will be unlikely to be willing to accept instructions from you in the future.
I live quite far from your offices, do you offer telephone consultations as well
Yes, you can have your initial legal advice in person, over the telephone, Skype, Microsoft Teams or Zoom, which means that you don’t have to spend time travelling and instead, you can speak to us from the comfort of your office or your home and without delay.
I work during the day and then look after my children at home. Do you offer consultations out of working hours
Yes, we offer a number of consultations after normal working hours. Some of our clients, particularly parents of young children, can only find a quiet time during the late evenings.
We also offer flexible hours for callers from overseas. During most evenings, we offer at least one telephone consultation between 19:00-21:00. However, the demand for late evening consultations is very high so please book early.
How to book an initial consultation for legal advice with a specialist media lawyer
To book an initial consultation with a specialist media lawyer, follow this link to our contact page or call us free on 0800 612 7211 to book your consultation.
How much does the initial meeting with the solicitor cost
The initial meeting with the solicitor (initial consultation) costs £465 inclusive of VAT. The meeting is unlimited in time and will follow with an advice letter. You will get great value.