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Getting disclosure from Facebook

Getting disclosure from Facebook

How to obtain a disclosure order from Facebook

If you are being defamed on Facebook or if private information about you has been published on Facebook, you might want to consider the viability of obtaining a disclosure order from Facebook to help you identity to persons responsible for the unlawful publications.

Can I find out who the Facebook Page Administrator is

What is the process of obtaining a disclosure order from Facebook

How much does it cost to get disclosure from Facebook

How long does it take to get disclosure from Facebook

Can I find out who the Facebook Page Administrator is

Yes. Because the Administrator of the offending Facebook Page is likely to be legally liable for the unlawful posts against you, in addition to the Facebook users who posted the offending posts, you might want to obtain a disclosure order from Facebook in relation to both, the posters of the unlawful information and the Facebook Page Admin. Both are disclosable by a single disclosure order.

What is the process of obtaining a disclosure order from Facebook

Once we set up your project, there will be a dedicated team working on your project and obtaining the disclosure order on your behalf from Facebook. We first speak to Facebook to agree on the terms of the disclosure order as this would save time and costs. By agreeing in advance with Facebook lawyers on the terms of the disclosure order, we pre-empt there need for having to attend a contested hearing at court. The application the court is therefore being made with the consent of the parties which means that you don't need to pay for Facebook lawyers to attend the hearing.

How much does it cost to get disclosure from Facebook

An average application for disclosure from Facebook cost £10,000 + VAT. The cost of applying for a disclosure order form Facebook would depend on the amount of work that is neeed in each case. Some cases are relatively simple whilst others could be much more complicated as they may involve investing many hours in gathering the necessary evidence to establishing who the relevant Facebook users are and who should be included in the disclosure order application.

How long does it take to get disclosure from Facebook

This would depend on several factors. The entire process of obtaining disclosure from Facebook, including receiving the court order as well as the disclosure from Facebook, usually takes up to 12 weeks but it might be quicker.

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    Location: United State, California.

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    Date of


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