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TheInternet LawCentre
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Getting disclosure from Google

How to obtain disclosure from Google
If you want to learn about how you might be able to obtain disclosure from Google about a Google user who uses any Google products to post defamation or harassing material about you or about your company on the internet, give us a call and we will help you.
What disclosure can you obtain from Google
How much does it cost to obtain a disclosure from Google
How much does it cost to obtain a disclosure order from Google in California
Does Google provide user’s information
What disclosure can you obtain from Google
You can obtain disclosure orders from Google in relation to users who use Google services such as Blogger, Google Plus, Google Maps and any other Google product or service. After nearly 10 years of obtaining disclosure orders against Google, we have pretty much streamlined our processes of obtaining a variety of disclosure orders in we can do this fairly quickly and cost effectively as well.
How much does it cost to obtain a disclosure from Google
We work together with Google's legal team, often on agreed terms for disclosure orders, which are in most cases also accepted by the courts in the UK as fully compliant with the requirements of the law. This means that in many cases, we can apply for a Google disclosure order without the need for the parties to attend court. This makes the entire process much more affordable for everyone.
The precise cost of obtaining a Google disclosure order would often depend on the nature of and the amount of the ground work that we need to do prior to applying for the court order. The important thing is to be both, cost efficient and successful, so we determine the cost of each disclosure order, in accordance with the relevant information. We usually obtain the information that we need, during the initial consultation.
How much does it cost to obtain a disclosure order from Google in California
Depending on the circumstances of the matter at hand, we might advise you that the best venue to apply for a disclosure order against Google is California.
Our associated attorneys in the California work on the same rate that we charge, so although the cost of obtaining a disclosure order from Google in California is sometimes slightly higher than the costs of a disclosure order in the UK, this isn't always the case and our associated attorneys will take care of you as good as we would.
Does Google provide user’s information
In nearly all cases, Google will provide identifying information about the users of Google services. In most cases Google’s lawyers would agree to the terms of a disclosure order as proposed by us, which means Google nearly always discloses to us users’ information in a speedy and helpful manner. Often the very process of obtaining a disclosure order from Google results in the deletion or the removal of the offending posts from Google services and from the internet altogether.
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