Remove defamation from LandLordToday 14 April 2015
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- Hits: 4595

Pages removed from: LandLordToday.
Date of removal: 14 April 2015.
Number of web pages removed: 1.
Additional information: Our solicitors facilitated the removal of a defamatory web page from LandLordToday. We acted for a law firm based in Essex UK.The defamation was posted against a solicitor alleging that he acted negligently in a property transaction. The defamatory allegations were made by unknown persons on the internet forum. When defamatory allegations are made against a solicitor on the internet the solicitor is unable to respond due to confidentiality that the solicitor owns to his client, even to a client who decides to disclose to the public certain information concerning his engagement with the solicitor. Solicitors must not respond to comments, particularly to defamatory comments made by their former clients on the internet.