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Remove porn images and videos from the internet

Remove porn images and videos from the internet

How to remove your own nude images and videos from the internet

Often, models and performers who previously appeared in nude or pornographic videos wish to put their past behind them and move on with their lives.

Common reasons why porn actors want to remove pornography from the internet

Harassment of porn actors

Taking the first step by porn actors to regain control

Common reasons why porn actors want to remove pornography from the internet

Many of the former performers in pornographic films have second thoughts. The regrets might come during the video shooting, immediately after or many years later. Young adult film performers may have signed copyright assignment agreements with model agencies or with adult film produces which on the face of it give away all their legal rights in relation to the pornographic videos or nude images they now wish to remove from the internet. On other occasions an adult film performer might have just agreed informally to act in an adult film in return for cash money.

On either occasion, the actor in the porn film believes that there is not much that they can do in terms of gaining legal rights over the films they participated in. Most of those who express regret pretty much straight away, find themselves succumbed to pressure, threats and manipulative behaviour by the porn film producers. They are convinced to continue shooting the film, come back to continue the shooting or just to let matters go because they had already committed themselves to the producer and to the creation and the publications of the pornographic films.

Evidence suggests that mental manipulation of young people before, during and after shooting porn films is very common. Some years later, performers who appeared in pornographic films in their late teens or early 20s decide that they are now at a point where they wish to move on with their lives. They want to go to university to study a profession, they wish to create sustainable relationships and start a family and have children who they don't want to ever be exposed to their past. For the individuals who regret taking part in pornography some years later, the most common reasons for the regret are that they wish to study a profession or to start a family.

Individuals are also in some circumstances desperate to relieve themselves of very common post traumatic disorder symptoms (PTSD) that have been following them for years and some hope that by removing the films from the internet, the PTSD symptoms will disappear too. It is often at a late point in their lives, that the model or the actor realises that their past working in the adult industry has become exceptionally burdening. The adult films that they created have long gone out the control of any film producer or agency. Clips of the films have been copied by unauthorised internet users and are posted to dozens of pornographic websites. The clips are often littered with derogatory text and can be found relatively easily online.

Harassment of porn actors

Even where the model, actor or performer had used a stage name whilst performing in adult videos which they now wish to remove from the internet, there are people out there who manage to locate the real person behind the actor and plaster their real name on video clip titles or meta tags, alongside the performer’s stage name. This creates an almost unbreakable link between the actor and the stage persona. Almost always, there is an individual with whom the performer or the model have fallen out with in the past and who since make a conscious and deliberate effort to ensure that the performer is reminded day in and day out of his or her past acting or modelling.

These nasty individuals will often carry on posting unauthorised pornographic clips and images of the performer in order to harass him or her and to cause their victim as much distress as possible. Many former porn actors feel harassed and distressed even when they understand that the harassment is often directed at the person featured in the film, rather than at them personally. In pornography, unlike big screen movies or a theatre, there is little dressing up involved for the actor or an impersonation of a scripted imaginary character.

In most porn films, the actor and character they play are the same, which means that the harassment always feels very real, even when the actor has used a stage name. It is unfortunately very common for former models, actors and performers, when they first approach our specialist legal team, to feel sad and depressed and frequently even hopeless. The sheer volume of the videos and images online lead many of them to believe that they will live the rest of their lives as prisoners of their own past.

How can former porn actors take the first step to regain control

The idea of gaining control over the nude videos, images and posts seem unrealistic at first, particularly from the performer’s point of view at this stage in his or her life. This may be down to having lost a great deal of confidence and self-esteem after years of humiliation at the hands of unknown internet users who have been using the performer’s explicit content as if it was theirs to freely abuse. Thankfully, there is hope and there is help in hand. Our legal team has unique experience in cleaning up the internet of pornographic videos and images.

We have developed a unique tool that enables us to deal with thousands of web links and URLs to images and to videos which means we are in a very good position to organise the material to start with. Then we use nine different strategies to secure image and video clean-ups for our clients and to give them back control over most of the video clips, images and any original adult films so that they can start rebuilding their lives without fear. Among the strategies that we commonly employ to clear and filter the internet for our clients’ videos and images are copyright buy-backs, stage name trademark acquisitions, privacy notices, harassment notices, data protection notices and more.

Often, we achieve for our clients the clean-up they have for so long desired as well as a workable maintenance plan to help them keep the internet clean forevermore. The cleaning up process of the internet of adult images and videos typically takes between 12-24 months depending on the volume of the images and videos our client wish to remove. Contact us today for a highly confidential consultation. We will tell you what you can achieve and advise you on how the best approach to achieve your goals for your individual matter. 

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