Remove defamation from Weebly 04 May 2015
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- Hits: 5338
Pages removed from: Weebly
Date of removal: 04 May 2015.
Number of pages removed: 2 websites.
Additional information: Our defamation solicitors removed 2 defamatory and harassing websites that targeted our client, a former senior United Nation employee. Our lawyers obtained an injunction against the creator of the websites and had the injunction served on Weebly. It is important, whenever a defamatory website operates from outside the UK, to assess whether an injunction should be obtained from the UK or from the home court where the website sits. Often operators of websites that operate from the USA will refuse to recognise the jurisdiction of the English High Court so the process will need to commence in the USA. On this occasion the injunction was obtained in the London High Court but we recommend that you obtain legal advise before starting legal proceedings for defamation against Weebly.