Remove porn films from the internet
Remove porn films from the internet
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Proven strategies to help you remove porn films from the internet
People who participated in porn films earlier in their lives and now wish to move on, must be able to first get porn films off the internet, a massively challenging task for most.
How to clear your old videos from the internet
How hard is it to remove a sex video you have made in the past from the internet
How to go about removing porn videos from the internet
How to clear your old videos from the internet
If say, 10 or 15 years ago, for whatever reason, you agreed to make a sex video in return for money, or because you had been coerced into doing this, and that video has in the meantime been published on the internet, you will, in most cases be able to have the video and any related video clips deleted from the internet. At the time, when you agreed to participate in making the sex video, you might have thought of it as being a matter of little long term importance.
Most actors who performed in adult films ten years ago or longer did not have the foresight or the understanding of what the internet was about to become. They could have hardly anticipated that their erotic films would be cut into dozens of short clips and published and republished an endless number of times by complete strangers who had nothing to do with creating the films. It is likely that before the production of a pornographic film you agreed to assign all your intellectual property rights to a production company who you thought would keep matters under control.
The assignment of your rights to the porn video might not be valid. What you probably did not anticipate at the time of making the firm is that it would replicate itself on the internet, often together with insulting and humiliating titles and texts. Also, if to go by at least some of our clients, at the time, starting a family and having children was the last thing on your mind. Now, it is likely that these porn films are following you wherever you go and particularly if you are planning to start a family, you probably wish you never made them in the first place or at least you wish there was a way to make them go away.
How hard is it to remove a sex video you have made in the past from the internet
The task of removing sex videos from the internet could be proven difficult and in many cases, emotionally charged. Most of our clients have only become clients once they felt that they have had the support of a partner on whom they could rely to help them see through the process of the removal of the sex videos. If you're a celebrity or a video you participated in has become popular, it seems at first an impossible task to scrub all traces of the video clips from the internet.
Unfortunately, bootleg versions of your sex videos are likely to surface from time to time so you will need to take a stance and decide to be ruthless with your efforts to completely clean up the internet of them. People who already downloaded the films may upload clips at any time they want but the fact of the matter is that the more available a film is online, the more likely it is to be copied and uploaded by opportunists. At the same time, erotic videos, which are rarely found online are usually far less likely to be copied. Think of it as a graffiti effect. A wall full of graffiti is much more likely to get more graffiti than a clean wall.
How to go about removing porn videos from the internet
Assert your right to private life
Threaten the porn producer with legal action
Persevere and never give up
Claim copyright or have it transferred to you If you created the original video yourself, you own the copyright to it so we can assert this right on your behalf and usually very quickly have the porn videos removed from nearly all websites. But even if you did not own the copyright to start with and even if you signed a release form, a good lawyer will still, in many cases, be able to secure copyright for you in the films as part of their negotiations with the producers of the film.
In some cases, if somebody else produced the video, we may ask them to allow us to buy the rights or at least some of the rights to the sex videos, enough to enable us to assert intellectual property rights on your behalf and to demand a permanent removal of traces of the films from various websites.
Assert your right to private life
Under the European Convention of Human Rights, everyone has a right to private life. Additionally, there are various privacy laws that help us persuade website operators to delete videos from their websites. Most do agree but if they refuse to your initial request to delete your videos from their porn sites, your lawyer will, in most cases put enough pressure on them to change their mind.
Threaten the porn producer with legal action
In extreme cases, you might be able to take legal action against porn producers and website operators who refuse to hand over rights to the films. It is very rare for either of them to go to court over a few old porn videos so there is a great deal of leverage for you, once you decide to take a legal route to have the porn films removed from the internet.
Legal action might be a civil legal action, for breach of privacy, for breach of contract or for breach of your data. However, in many cases, there might be criminal charges that you could possibly bring against the film producer, particularly, if you can show that you were coerced in to making sex videos or if you claim that any consent you allegedly gave to participate in the porn films was invalid. Most operators of adult websites will honour a request to remove an image or a video even if you are unable to prove copyright to it.
Trademark your name
Finally, in some cases we have been able to trademark our client’s stage name and use intellectual property laws to facilitate the removal of any films and mentions of our client's stage name on porn websites. This could be a highly effective way to have your sex videos removed from the internet.
Some of our clients also trademarked their real names, which means, in many cases, that no publication can be made of the porn films without their permission. If you are serious about taking steps to remove porn videos from the internet regardless of how many of them are out there, give us a call to discuss. We have experienced lawyers and an award winning dedicated legal and technical team who will do their best to help you achieve your goal.