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TheInternet LawCentre

Remove private information from the internet.

There are different ways by which you can remove private information from the internet. Private information could be information that you placed yourself on the internet but which you no longer wish to remain online. Private information is also information or data that was placed on the internet by others.

It could be your address, your date of birth, names of members of your family and other information, which if processed in a certain way, could be considered as private. Private information that you can remove from the internet may also include images and videos showing your face or body, whether posted by you or by others.

You can remove private information from the internet by using privacy law, data protection law, copyright law and sometimes even defamation law. Often, however, a well written letter to the operator of the website which hosts your private information would do. If you are a retiring celebrity or used to be a model or an adult entertainer, it is likely that there is large amount of private information about you on the internet.

In some cases, this may include hundreds and even thousands of articles, images and videos, which perhaps earlier in your life you were happy to remain online but now you consider private and wish to remove from the internet. Maybe because you started a family or a different job, images or other private information that you were previously happy to see on the internet is no longer to your liking. In this case, it might take some time to remove all your private information from the internet, and in some cases, up to one year.

But this should not deter you because you have arrived at the right place, perhaps the only place in the UK where there is help available. You will be pleased to hear that we have already assisted individuals exactly like you in systematically removing private information from the internet. Browse our website for case studies, testimonials and plenty of free advice and call us free on 0800 612 7211so that you can speak with one of our lawyers who will be delighted to advise you and give you the legal support you need.

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Removed private information from Daily Mail Online 28 June 2016
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