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Remove Glass Door Review

How to remove Glassdoor reviews

Recently has intensified its presence in the UK. is now a major review website for companies that are located in the UK. In the USA Glassdoor is following its Community Guidelines which states the importance of giving everyone a right to express their opinion “without fear of retribution.” This commitment is often demonstrated by Glassdoor aggressively defending the rights of its registered users to uphold anonymity, often making it difficult to challenge Glassdoor reviews as defamatory through the courts. Despite this, we are able to obtain disclosure orders and removal of reviews from through either negotiation with Glassdoor legal counsel or through litigation.

Glassdoor is mostly used by disgruntled employees who post anonymously. In most cases we are able to removal of Glassdoor reviews from directly from our London, UK office but occasionally we work together with our associated attorneys in California who conduct local litigation on behalf of our clients as necessary.

There is yet to be a case recorded were Glassdoor submit to the jurisdiction of the High Court in England. So far Glassdoor attorneys have avoided direct litigation in the UK. Despite this, we are able to domesticate most court orders against, such as third party disclosure orders, (commonly known as NPO) in San Francisco California, whereby converting High Court disclosure orders into valid, local subpoenas.

Remove GlassDoor reviews jurisdiction issues

Be aware that as an affected businesses, once you create a user account with, Glassdoor will claim that you have committed yourself (by virtue of their terms and conditions) to conducting all legal proceedings in accordance with the law of California. This could limit your options of having defamatory reviews removed from through the English courts and Glassdoor may force you to litigate at their home ground.

Generally speaking, dealing with a false review on is more challenging than some other websites. To maximise the likelihood of success, we strongly advise that you speak to either a specialist attorney in the USA (we will be happy to recomend one of our trusted associates) or to one of our specialist defamation lawyers here in the UK before you create a GlassDoor account or post a reply to a review on

Remove from Glassdoor

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