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  • Defamation against children

    Defamation against children

    What to do if your child is defamed on social media

    It is every parent’s nightmare

    Hits: 9059
  • Defamation cases

    Defamation cases

    Defamation cases we have won for our clients

    Cohen Davis Solicitors specialise in

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  • Defamation injunction

    Defamation injunction

    Urgent defamation injunction to prevent publication of defamation

    If you are aware

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  • Defamation Lawyer

    If you suffer from harassment online, and want to put a stop to

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  • Scam recovery

    Scam recovery

    Legal Advice Following an Electronic Fraud Incident

    With the sharp rise in

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  • Sextortion advice

    Sextortion advice from a lawyer

    In this radio interview, lawyer Yair Cohen

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  • Sexual blackmail

    Sexual blackmail

    A comprehensive look at sexual blackmail in the UK

    Sexual blackmail is a sinister

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  • Signature cases

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  • Victim of catfishing


    What to do if you had been a victim of catfishing

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  • XLD v KZL


    XLD v KZL [2020] EWHC 1558 (QB), is a case of blackmail following a relationship which was

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