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TheInternet LawCentre

Legal liability of website operators

Expert legal support for website operators

Let us help you to smoothly manage your website, online store, membership area or online discussion forum by securing all the legal stuff, terms and conditions, users' policies and GDPR.

Why do website operations may require legal support

What is the legal liability of website operators

What legal support is available for website operators

What are the most common legal risks for website operators in the UK

Why do website operations may require legal support

Depending on the type of website that you operate, there are always short-term and long-term legal liability that may arise in the near or in the distant future. As a website operator, you might be expose to legal claims that could be avoided, provided to ensure that you have in place all the legal protections that could possible put in place from the outset.

What is the legal liability of website operators

 Often, potential legal liability of website operators is obvious and apparent for any lawyer who considers a website and who understand the nature of online business that their client is carrying out. In other cases, the legal  liabilities of the website operator might not be so apparent even to a lawyer unless the lawyer is an expert and very experience in providing legal support to website operators.

The most practical way for you, as an operator of a website or an internet forum in the UK, to protect your position is to know what your rights and obligations are. Yes, there is plenty of information on the internet which you can read but much of it (we are told by our clients) is either too general or too detailed for you to be sure of your true legal position.

What legal support is available for website operators

To keep things simple but safe we invite you to call us today and to speak with one of our expert internet lawyer in a consultation dedicated to you and to your business. There are only 3 or 4 law firms in the UK which genuinely specialises in internet law and which are able to offer you a long term relationship of trust coupled with outstanding legal advice and support.

As an operator of an online forum or a review website you are likely to need to have a good understanding of your rights and obligations in relation to defamation, data protection and privacy laws. You are likely to benefit from advice on drafting the most appropriate legal documents for your website, which include privacy policies, website terms and conditions and often users’ agreements and a code of conduct for your forum.

What are the most common legal risks for website operators in the UK

The most common legal risks for website operators in the UK are in relation to law suits that involve breach of privacy, breach of GDPR and data protection laws, breach of trademarks, breach of contract and from other consumer law related matters.

We will, as a matter of course, advise you on trademarks for your online business and will carry out international trademark searches to ensure you are safe. We will check if you are compliant with data protection laws and particularly where your users’ data is stored and whether this is compliant with EU data protection laws. We will further advise on defamation, privacy and other legal issues which you are likely to encounter as an operator of an online forum or legal advice about a review website.

Most importantly, however, once we speak with you in a consultation and have an understanding of your business and your passions, you will establish a relationship with us which means we will always be there to help and support you on short notice.

  • Moderating a review website

    Moderating a review website
  • Moderating posts on a review website

    Moderating posts on a review website

    Moderating posts on a review website. What are the requirements and what should your policy be

    There are different rules for website operators in the UK, which place more responsibility on them rather than on operators of websites in the United States.

  • Legal liability of forum operators in the UK

    Legal liability of forum operators in the UK

    Are website operators in the UK responsible for comments posted on their website by third parties

  • Website operators

    Legal advice for website operators

    Legal support for website operators in the UK

    Operators of websites in the UK could find themselves liable for various wrongdoings by virtue of operating a website, publishing posts, moderating posts, advertising goods and services or collecting users’ private information. It is important for website operators in the UK to understand their potential legal liabilities and to safeguard themselves against legal claims by internet users, by competitors or by regulatory and law enforcement bodies.

    The law that governs the supply of services and the sale of goods online in the UK involves a variety of legal obligations, regulations and statutes from a number of areas of law. As your online start up business grows and develops, so will your legal and business needs, which are going to become more significant. In the event where you ever want to put your business up for sale, merger or acquisition, you will certainly want the legal foundations of your business to be solid strong and supported by an experienced legal team that will be supporting you throughout the process of growth.

    Because all of our work is focused on the law of the internet, our lawyers are perfectly placed to assist and support operators of websites in the UK with matters of compliance with contacts, website terms and conditions, trading standard matters, anti-competition law, trademarks, online marketing, promotion and advertising laws. From the point of designing your new intent business, you should speak with one of our experienced internet lawyers who will become one of your best trusted advisors throughout the creation and the operation of your internet business.


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