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TheInternet LawCentre

Online harassment cases

Online harassment cases

Online harassment cases in the UK

Examples of cases of online harassment in the UK

Reported online harassment cases

Difficult cases of online harassment

Examples of cases of online harassment in the UK

Our lawyers have been successfully handling cases of online harassment for nearly 25 years. Whilst the majority of the work that we now do is claimant, or plaintiff work, all our harassment lawyers have spent their early days in the law as criminal defence litigators and as such have met with many online stalkers and harassers and have acquired a good understanding of what motivates or drives them to commit the horrendous crime of harassment. Our approach to harassment cases is always strategic and is determined on a case by case basis together with a significant input from our clients.

Reported online harassment cases

Whilst most of the online harassment cases that we are involved with are never reported due to the potential harm to our client, there are many harassment victims who want to speak out and share their experiences with others. When helping our client choose a media platform, we take extra care to ensure that their story is being told in the most dignified and respectful way.

Difficult cases of online harassment

Many of the online harassment cases that we handle are difficult and complex. In many cases, these are cases that have already been rejected by other lawyers, not necessarily because of lack of merit but because of the cost and the complexity that such cases tend to demand. Our lawyers always try to find a solution that works for our client.

We have developed an electronic system that makes it much easier for us to handle large amount of data, emails and correspondence and in many cases, we can work out a payment system that works out for us and for our client.


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