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Right to be forgotten

Legal advice right to be forgotten

You might feel lost and unsure about making a right to be forgotten request. Whilst the form appears to be short and easy to complete, when you consider that the outcome of your submission could decide whether your future will become more memorable than your past, you will be right to conclude that your likelihood of success is likely to substantially increase with the support of expert advice.

Dedicated expert lawyers for right to be forgotten applications

Making a successful right to be forgotten application

Implications of right to be forgotten submissions

Dedicated expert lawyers for right to be forgotten applications

We have a dedicated team of lawyers who give right to be forgotten help, support and legal advice to anyone who needs it. If you are looking to make a right to be forgotten submission, you should consider contacting a member of our dedicated team. We are the only law firm in the UK with a dedicated team that specialises exclusively in making successful right to be forgotten applications.

Often, your initial right to be forgotten application would form the basis of any subsequent appeals to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) or by way of a GDPR Notice to Google so you might consider it essential to get your right to be forgotten application right from the outset. Hopefully, there will never be a need to file an appeal.

Making a successful right to be forgotten application

Successful right to be forgotten applications that we have recently submitted and have been successful with, include applications on behalf of individuals who have been convicted of criminal offences, of teachers who have been subjected to teacher misconduct disciplinary procedures by National College for Teaching and Leadership, of medical professionals and practitioners who have been subject to BMA disciplinary process and entrepreneurs whose past mistakes have been following them for far too long. 

Our particular speciality is the submission of right to be forgotten applications in relation to individuals who have been investigated, charged and tried by criminal courts and who have been found not guilty by the jury. Other successful right to be forgotten applications submitted by our dedicated team were submitted on behalf of celebrities and other individuals who are in the public eye or whose legal cases or past conduct attracted media attention for various reasons. You can read more about examples of right to be forgotten cases

Implications of right to be forgotten submissions

When submitting a right to be forgotten application to remove news articles from Google in relation to a newspaper article that is published online, you must take into consideration the possibility that Google will inform the publishers, particularly mainstream news publishers, of your application.

You should therefore be ready for this eventuality and be prepared to object to any potential additional reporting by the newspaper. Generally speaking, it is not allowed for a news organisation to report about your right to be forgotten application. Our incredibly friendly and highly knowledgeable lawyers are happy to help and answer any right to be forgotten questions that you might have.

Can you remove articles from Google if you were not guilty?
Remove newspaper articles for victim of crime case study
How to correct misleading search results
Catfishing defamation case study
How to remove a criminal record from Google
How to remove a video posted by a vigilante group
How to remove a video posted by a vigilante group
Why did Google refuse your right to be forgotten request
How to maximise success with a right to be forgotten
Remove court records from Google
Google right to be forgotten
Right to be forgotten refused
Removal of google searches worldwide
Take down negative articles from the internet
Right to be forgotten ICO appeal
A case of a successful ICO right to be forgotten appeal
Removing search results under a right to be forgotten
Help with a right to be forgotten
Removal of newspaper reports about a court case study
SEO and online reputation management
Removal of a professional disciplinary hearing from Google case study
Delisting Professional Discipline from Google
How to manage online reputation after false allegations
Does a right to be forgotten apply to prison sentence of over 4 years
Case study on removing a conviction from the internet
Right to be forgotten FAQ
Legal advice right to be forgotten
Right to be forgotten
Right to be forgotten post Brexit

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