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Defamation on Twitter

Defamation on Twitter

How to remove a defamatory tweet from Twitter

Posting defamation on Twitter is an effective way to cause defamatory allegations to spread and stick. Whilst Twitter is often reluctant to delete defamatory tweets, with the correct approach, Twitter will nearly always delete defamatory tweets without a court order.

What is Twitter defamation

Who are likely to be a victim of defamation on Twitter

Twitter defamation against a company and its directors

Removing defamation from Twitter

What is Twitter defamation

Defamation on Twitter is one of the most common forms of defamation this firm is currently dealing with. Twitter defamation happens when a Twitter user posts either an original tweet or a link to other defamatory material, often a blog post or a retweet. If you were to retweet allegations against someone, it is your responsibility to read the tweet that you are reposting and to verify its accuracy. A defamatory tweet could be by way of text, image or video or just by referring to someone else’s defamatory posts, whether on Twitter or on another internet platform.

Who are likely to be a victim of defamation on Twitter

Although some of the most better-known examples of Twitter defamation are those involving celebrities, business people are often targeted on Twitter and even companies can become the subject of defamatory tweets. Many of the victims of Twitter defamation are children or young adults who are being falsely accused of criminal wrongdoings, in most cases, this would involve false accusation of rape and other sexual assault.

Twitter defamation against a company and its directors

You can defame a company and its directors, as well as harass them by posting defamation on Twitter. In 2013, this firm brought a successful defamation case at the High Court in relation to defamatory tweets which were made by a shareholder against a PLC. The shareholder, posted allegations against the Chairman of Red Rock Resources on shareholders' discussion forums and then used Twitter to repost the allegations and to distribute them, or notify about them to key people in the industry.

Removing defamation from Twitter

Whilst Twitter is initially reluctant to delete defamatory tweets when requested to do so by Twitter users, in nearly all cases, once our firm become involves in the matter, we are able, as a first step, to have the defamatory tweets removed from Twitter.


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