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Defamation cases

Defamation cases

Defamation cases we have won for our clients

Cohen Davis Solicitors specialise in complex defamation cases. Whilst the majority of the defamation cases that we conduct on behalf of our clients are successfully settled prior to trial, in other notable defamation cases, the court has given a significant judgment.

How many defamation cases end up in trial

Percentage of defamation cases won

Examples of defamation cases

How many defamation cases end up in trial

The estimation is that fewer than 5% of the defamation cases that begin in the High Court, end up with a full trial. Most of the defamation cases are settled prior to issuing legal proceedings and following the issue of a defamation cease and desist letter to the defendant. A cease and desist letter which is sufficiently detailed and which is well argued is far more likely to result in a settlement prior to the issuing of defamation legal proceedings.

Throughout the lifetime of a defamation case, there are significant opportunities for the parties to settle the defamation claim without the need for the defamation case to go to trial. In most successful settlement of cases of defamation that we conduct, our client will receive either an apology, a withdrawal of the allegations or a vindication in a different form, as well as substantial damages and payment of their legal costs by the defendant.

Percentage of defamation cases won

The winning of a defamation case would usually include an admission of wrongdoing by the defendant, vindication of our client of the alleged wrongdoing, the removal of defamatory posts from the internet and a legally binding undertaking by the defendant to never repeat their defamatory claims. Whether on a settlement or following a trial, our firm has won nearly 100% of the defamation cases that we acted on.

Examples of defamation cases

This section includes example of defamation cases from the UK. Some of the cases are of significant importance in terms of the findings whilst other cases are important because of the circumstances under which those examples of defamation cases have been issued in the first place. In many of the examples of defamation cases, the cases did not come follow all the way to trial, which is, for most claimants in defamation cases, the most ideal outcome for the defamation case.


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