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TheInternet LawCentre

Right to be forgotten criminal record

There are at least three different routes to help you remove criminal record from the internet or at least from Google search results. Most of those who wish to remove links to a criminal record from Google searches are aware of the right to be forgotten application but often are unaware of a much quicker, and more reliable method to persuade Google to remove references to old criminal convictions from search results.

We often advise clients, who are in a bit of a rush, to pursue Google through a s10 Data Protection Notice instead of via a right to be forgotten application. Understandably, Google has given the right to be forgotten a relatively narrow interpretation, which just about complies with the famous Google Spain case which resulted in the creation of the concept of a right to be forgotten.

Under s10, however, Google’s obligations are much more stringent which means Google is unable to take a narrow approach in relation to those. To find out more about the quickest route to have past criminal convictions and a criminal record removed from the internet, whether under a right to be forgotten or by a different method, browse this section of our website or call us free on 0800 612 7211.

How to correct misleading search results
How to remove a criminal record from Google
Why did Google refuse your right to be forgotten request
How to maximise success with a right to be forgotten
Remove court records from Google
Google right to be forgotten
Right to be forgotten ICO appeal
A case of a successful ICO right to be forgotten appeal
Removing search results under a right to be forgotten
Help with a right to be forgotten
Removal of newspaper reports about a court case study
Delisting Professional Discipline from Google
Does a right to be forgotten apply to prison sentence of over 4 years
Case study on removing a conviction from the internet
Right to be forgotten FAQ
Legal advice right to be forgotten
Right to be forgotten
Right to be forgotten post Brexit
Remove criminal convictions from Google 08 November 2018

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