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TheInternet LawCentre

Defamation solicitors

Defamation solicitors

Defamation solicitors with focus on internet and social media law

Most people who suffer from a defamation law issues online, would prefer to receive legal support from a specialist lawyer whose niche is the internet, over a more generalist defamation solicitor.

Defamation solicitors with high success rates

Defamation solicitors with technical knowledge

Taking legal action for defamation

Factors a defamation solicitor will take into account when advising you

What to do if you are defamed online

Speak to a defamation solicitor now

Defamation solicitors with high success rates

We achieve a high rate of success in the removal of online defamation. Over the past few years we have removed thousands of defamatory websites from public view, websites, which up until then devastated the reputation of our clients, their well-being and their financial situation.

We have removed hundreds of defamatory videos from YouTube as well as thousands of news articles from national and international news websites, including and websites that are operated by governments and by official regulatory bodies. We have removed content from Google, YouTube, Firefox, Bing, TripAdvisor, MoneySavingExpert, GlassDoor, TripAdvisor, TrustPilot and many more websites from the UK and from around the world. In other cases, we have successfully negotiated amendments, corrections and presentation of online articles to ensure the removal of defamatory references about our clients.

Defamation solicitors with technical knowledge

It was possible for us to achieve those great outcomes for our clients, in cases of defamation online, only because our lawyers are also technically minded. Our defamation lawyers understand how the internet works, from a technical, not just a legal perspective. In fact, shouldn’t every individual who suffers from online defamation, demand that their defamation lawyer actually understand the innuendos of the internet?

If you want your defamation lawyer to also be an internet law legal expert, and to understand the technical side of the internet in addition to the applicable law in different countries, be assured that you being very reasonable and not asking for too much.

Taking legal action for defamation

Taking legal action for defamation could be very tempting from the outset. However, it is only when you understand how the internet really works, you are able to make a fair judgement whether to take legal action for defamation or whether to consider other solutions, which might produce a better, and more secure outcome for you. Taking legal action for defamation, might not be the only way to handle reputation crisis or present or future damage to your reputation.

And whilst we can make web pages completely disappear following the initiation of legal action for defamation, internet law, and particularly defamation on the internet requires you and you lawyer to take into consideration a variety of factors before you make the final decision whether to proceed with legal action. Our clients come to us for constructive advice rather than for a specific legal advice on how to take immediate legal action for defamation. Being constructive advice means that we listen, understand, consider and weight up the different options that are available rather than get fixated with a preconceived solutions.

Factors a defamation solicitor will take into account when advising you

Before embarking on legal action for defamation, particularly online defamation, you should realise the importance of considering the short and the long term impacts of embarking on legal action. Most of our clients inspire to better themselves rather than to get carried away with a course of action that they might be unsure about. There will be situations where taking legal action for defamation would improve one’s mental and actual situation but there might be other times the same type of legal action could cause substantial financial impact and an emotional distress.

You should know whether your personal circumstances are as such, that can support taking legal action for defamation, which in some cases, could involve a process going over more than 2 years. Although nearly everyone craves to see justice done from time to time, what is important is that the outcome is right for you rather than to the person who has defamed you or who has been attempting to cause you serious harm online.

Time limit for making a claim for defamation

The timing for making a claim for defamation must be right for you. Often, taking legal action for defamation, at a particular point in time, might not be the most suite you or your organisation for different reasons. There might be reputational, financial or personal. In other cases, taking legal action for defamation would be the most urgent thing for you do, to protect your reputational, to avoid serious financial harm or to be able to bring in investment to the business. Yet, you shall always remember the strict time limit that exists in many countries to bring legal action for defamation.

The limitation period, or the time limit for making a claim for defamation is 12 months, starting from the date of the defamatory publication. However, in some cases, the court may allow you to bring a defamation claim outside of the limitation period of 12 months. Furthermore, it is always worth to explore the various dates of the publication of the defamatory statements because on the internet, publication might occur time and time again.

Your defamation solicitors will explore with you the various time limits to bring a claim for defamation before you make a final decision on the right timing for you to bring legal action for defamation. It is important to remember that with internet law, strategic planning is often essential and you should try to refrain from taking impulsive actions as they can backfire. 

Anonymous internet defamation

If you've been dragged through the mud online, your reputation is being assaulted with vicious lies and you don't even know who's telling them, we are likely to be able to offer you huge amount of help. In many cases defamation on the internet is anonymous, which means that before taking legal action for defamation against the defaming individual, your defamation lawyer will need to obtain details of the identity of the defamer by securing a disclosure order through from the website operator.

It is crucial that these requests, to the operators of the websites, are made skilfully and tactfully to enhance the likelihood of success and for the information to be given to you quickly and cheaply.

Once your defamation lawyer established the identity of the publisher of the defamatory posts, we will contact them as well as any other individuals or organisations, which we believe have power and control over the defamatory website or blog. This includes the administrator of the website, the technical contact, the copyright holder and in some cases the advertisers. Your defamation lawyer will make them all aware of their potential legal liabilities and we encourage them to take steps to remove the defamatory material without delay.

This often results in the complete removal of the defamatory internet web pages. With anonymous internet users, taking legal action for defamation becomes slightly more complex but at the same time it may allow you to obtain a default judgment against the anonymous defamer, making the process of removing the defamation from the internet much quicker and cheaper.

Negotiating the removal of defamation from the internet

In some cases, your defamation lawyer will assess, together with you, whether there are real possibilities of negotiating the removal of the defamation from the internet without having to take legal action first. Utilising our long-term experience, worldwide connections and outstanding reputation, may bring your case to a successful outcome, far quicker than you think.

Our defamation lawyers have been working in the field since the very early days of the internet and as such, they have made personal connections with website operators and with their solicitors and attorneys from around the world. Our clients who have gone for a quiet removal from the internet instead of lengthy, costly and risky legal action for defamation, have never regretted choosing their defamation lawyers carefully.

What to do if you are defamed online

As soon as you discover that someone is defaming you or your business on the internet, it is important to act swiftly. First, gather as much evidence, particularly PDF and screenshots of the defamatory posts, IP addresses, identities, and any contact details that you can obtain. Do so as soon as possible before they disappear. Next, you will probably want to get the defamatory posts down before Google or other search engines have it indexed into their search results. Google is fast in indexing, often in a matter of days. Bing, on the other hand might take a few weeks or even months to index new posts. But once it has done so, it will also take weeks or months for to have them deindexed.

Once a defamatory website or blog post has been indexed by search engines, people searching for your business may find results showing snippets of the defamatory comments even if the posts by that time have been taken off the internet, which means you must operate within windows of opportunity. Finally, seek legal advice from a specialist defamation solicitor who knows all about the internet, the search engines and how website operate. We guarantee that when you speak to us, we will discuss and advise you on all the different methods that exist to have defamation removed from the internet.

Take advantage of our fixed fee initial consultation for a prompt, yet throughout legal advice and make it easier for yourself to make informed decision. If you then decide to go and speak to the other types of experts, you will do this from a position of knowledge and strength.

Speaking to a defamation solicitor now

If you want to speak to an expert, highly reputable defamation solicitor now, you can call us free on 0800 612 7211. Book your 90-minute consultation with one of our defamation solicitors, and discover the most effective solution for you and for your business to handle online defamation. Our consultations provide an extremely good value as they are unlimited in time which means, we will have as much time as you need to go over everything to make sure you make a fully-informed decision.

We guarantee that we will discuss your specific issue in detail, and if you are on a budget or rushed for time, our thorough, comprehensive, and efficient approach will prove a major advantage in moving matters forward as quickly and as cost effectively as possible. We guarantee that the defamation solicitor advising you will be 100 percent impartial, with no bias towards any particular solution to your internet defamation issue. We will share with you our most up-to-date, proven experience gained through our online defamation work with hundreds of clients (or more) over the past 25 years.

We will carefully work out the most effective solution to your specific defamation issue, taking account of your own personal needs and urgencies, working with your budget and in accordance with your own short and long term goals. The cost for a consultation is only £469 (all inclusive) and we will save you much more by pointing you in the right direction to make sure you use your time and financial resources wisely.

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