Can someone post a video of me without my permission on TikTok
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Someone filmed me and published the video without my consent on social media
Recent incidents, particularly in Manchester, have highlighted a disturbing trend of individuals, especially women, being filmed without their consent during nights out. These videos, often shared on platforms like TikTok, not only invade the privacy of those filmed but also raise significant legal questions regarding the balance between the right to film in public spaces and the protection of individual privacy.
What does the law say about publication of videos on TikTok without consent?
Does publication of a video without your consent breach your right to privacy?
The right to private life and non-consensual video publication on social media
Breach of your data and publication of non-consensual video on social media
Breach of your right to fair processing of your data
Is it a criminal offence to film someone without consent and post their video to the internet?
What to do if you have been filmed without consent and the film shared on social media
Step by step advice to have non-consensual video removed from social media
What does the law say about publication of videos on TikTok without consent?
When videos of you are taken without consent and shared online, it constitutes not just a violation of your privacy but also a breach of data protection laws. The publication of such videos processes personal data (your image and actions) without consent and lacks any legal justification. There is typically no public interest served by sharing videos that portray individuals in a negative or unfair light, such as being intoxicated or outside a nightclub.
Data protection principles require that personal data be processed fairly, lawfully, and transparently. This means that any dissemination of videos must respect the individual's dignity and privacy rights. Furthermore, the principle of proportionality mandates that the processing of data about an individual must be necessary and proportionate to the purpose for which it is processed. Sharing a video that captures someone in a compromising situation, particularly if it is the only online representation of that person, fails this test of proportionality. It unfairly influences public perception, leading to judgement based on a disproportionate portrayal of one's character.
Does publication of a video without your consent breach your right to privacy?
Possibly yes. While filming in public spaces where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy is generally considered legal, the subsequent sharing of such footage on social media platforms introduces a myriad of legal complexities. This action breaches the fundamental right to privacy, as outlined under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which emphasises an individual's control over the use of their image and the right to refuse publication thereof. The key legal question revolves around the notion of a reasonable expectation of privacy, which, although diminished in public areas, does not entirely vanish.
The expectation is contextually grounded, varying significantly based on the nature of the public space and the circumstances under which the filming occurs. Cases like Von Hannover v. Germany underscore the court's recognition of a person's image as a central aspect of their personality and privacy. This legal precedent establishes the premise that individuals have a significant degree of control over their images, particularly concerning publication rights. When videos capturing moments of vulnerability are shared without consent, it represents a profound intrusion into one's private life. Read more about Who Owns My Image.
The right to private life and non-consensual video publication on social media
The right to private life encompasses the privacy of personal information, the integrity of one's body and mind, and the right to live without unwarranted interference by others. It is protected under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights and other international and national legal frameworks. This right asserts that everyone has the domain over their personal space, activities, and identity, which should not be invaded, recorded, or shared without consent.
The unauthorised sharing of videos online can infringe upon this right, especially when it displays individuals in situations they would reasonably expect to remain private, such as moments of inebriation or leisure activities in nightclubs. Such actions not only disrespect the individual's autonomy and dignity but may also have legal repercussions for those who film and disseminate the footage.
Breach of your data and publication of non-consensual video on social media
The sharing of non-consensual videos constitutes a clear breach of data protection laws. Such actions process personal data without consent and lack any legal justification, failing to meet the requirements for fair, lawful, and transparent processing.
The principles of proportionality and minimisation are also violated, as the dissemination of videos depicting individuals in vulnerable states is unnecessary and excessive, potentially causing significant harm to the individual's reputation and dignity. Under the GDPR, the processing of personal data must adhere to the principles of lawfulness, fairness, and transparency. This means that any handling of personal data, including filming and sharing on social media, requires a legitimate basis, such as the explicit consent of the individual being filmed. When individuals are filmed without their knowledge or consent, especially in contexts where they have a reasonable expectation of privacy—even in public spaces—this constitutes a clear violation of GDPR principles.
The principle of fairness under the GDPR implies that even if there is a legal basis for processing personal data, it must be handled in a way that is fair to the individuals concerned and does not adversely affect their rights. Filming someone without consent and distributing this content on social media can have significant implications for an individual’s privacy, dignity, and reputation, thus breaching the principle of fairness.
Breach of your right to fair processing of your data
The right to fair processing of data is integral to the GDPR, ensuring that individuals are not subjected to processing that is unduly invasive or detrimental to their welfare. This right is particularly pertinent in cases where non-consensual filming is distributed online, potentially reaching a wide audience and causing distress or harm to the individual featured. Victims of such practices might experience a range of negative outcomes, from emotional distress to tangible impacts on their professional and personal lives.
For internet users who have been victims of non-consensual filming and sharing, it's important to understand that this not only violates your privacy but also contravenes established data protection laws. The GDPR provides several rights to individuals, including the right to access the data collected about them, the right to object to harmful processing, and the right to erasure (often referred to as the right to be forgotten). These rights empower victims to take action against entities or individuals who misuse their personal data through unauthorised filming and sharing.
Is it a criminal offence to film someone without consent and post their video to the internet?
The legality of public filming becomes problematic when it leads to alarm, distress, or constitutes harassment. The nature of the internet, with its potential for infinite replication, means that even a single incident of targeted filming can have disproportionately harmful effects. Legal mechanisms exist for individuals whose reputations are significantly impacted, facilitating actions such as content removal requests and the issuance of cease and desist letters to prevent further harm. Under UK law, harassment is defined as actions that cause someone alarm or distress.
The Protection from Harassment Act 1997, which provides the legal basis for addressing harassment, traditionally interprets harassment as involving a 'course of conduct'—that is, it requires at least two incidents. However, the digital age challenges traditional interpretations of what constitutes a 'course of conduct', especially given the nature of social media and the internet's permanence and reach. The act of posting a single video may seem, at first glance, not to fit the traditional criterion of a 'course of conduct'.
However, when considering the context of social media, where content can be viewed, shared, and commented on by thousands, if not millions, of individuals, the singular act of posting takes on a new dimension of perpetuity and amplification. Each view, share, or comment effectively renews the act of harassment, creating a continuous cycle of distress for the victim. This digital echo chamber means that a one-time action can have a persistent, pervasive impact, aligning with the essence of what harassment seeks to address: the ongoing distress and alarm felt by the victim. Find more about considering taking legal action for harassment,
What to do if you have been filmed without consent and the film shared on social media
The breach of data protection laws and the right to private life offers victims several legal avenues for recourse. From requesting the removal of content from social media platforms to initiating legal action for the unauthorised use of personal data, individuals have the right to seek redress. Legal frameworks like the European Convention on Human Rights protect individuals' control over their image and personal data, providing a basis for challenging such privacy invasions. For individuals affected by non-consensual filming, understanding the protections afforded by data protection laws is crucial.
Actions such as reporting violations to data protection authorities, seeking legal advice, and leveraging the platform's reporting mechanisms can help mitigate the impact of such breaches. Engaging with specialist solicitors can offer guidance on navigating the legal landscape and pursuing justice.
Victims of non-consensual filming have several avenues for legal recourse. They can request the removal of content from social media platforms, engage in legal action for privacy breaches, or send cease and desist letters to deter further dissemination. Consulting a specialist solicitor can provide tailored advice and support, offering a pathway to potential compensation and remediation for the invasion of privacy and data protection breaches.
Step by step advice to have non-consensual video removed from social media
The first question is whether it is possible to remove a video from social media after the video had been shared so many times. The answer to this question is yes. It is possible to remove all traces of a video from TikTok and from other social media. You just need to know how to do it and be willing to invest some resources in the process.
Document the evidence
Start by gathering evidence. Take screenshots of the video, note down the URL, and collect any information about who uploaded it and on which platform it was shared. This documentation is essential for any legal steps you might take.
Reach out to the social media platform
Your immediate action should be to contact the hosting platform. Most social media sites and websites have clear policies against sharing content without consent and offer mechanisms to report and request the removal of such content.
Report the publisher of the video to the police for the crime of harassment
If the video involves harassment, voyeurism, or other criminal violations, report it to the police. Providing them with the evidence you’ve collected is crucial for the investigation. Reporting harassment to the police is generally recommended, although it's important to manage your expectations regarding the immediate impact of such a report. While the police take all reports of harassment seriously, the tangible outcomes of reporting, especially in cases of online harassment, might be limited. Nonetheless, initiating a report at the earliest opportunity is crucial. The likelihood of the police directly confronting your harasser may be low, and the cessation of harassment following your report is not guaranteed.
However, making a report is essential, as it provides you with a crime reference number. This number is not only vital for any future legal actions but also serves as documented proof of the harassment and your efforts to seek assistance. This documentation can be invaluable later, especially if the situation escalates or if you decide to pursue further legal remedies.
Seek legal advice
Consulting with a solicitor who has expertise in privacy and internet law and with working with influencers could potentially make the whole difference between having the video removed from social media or accepting the video as being part of your new way of life. Our experience with various social media platforms and websites equips us to navigate their policies effectively. We utilise our understanding of legal obligations under UK law and GDPR to communicate efficiently with these platforms, aiming for the swift removal of the offending content.
We are adept at issuing formal legal notices, such as cease and desist letters, to the individuals responsible for sharing the video without your permission. These notices not only demand the removal of the video but also signal our readiness to take further legal action if necessary, applying considerable legal pressure to ensure compliance. Beyond sending notices, our team is prepared to initiate legal proceedings against the perpetrators.
Depending on the specifics of your case, this could involve actions for defamation, invasion of privacy, or harassment, seeking not only the removal of the content but also compensation for any resulting harm.
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