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Complex harassment cases

Legal advice on complex harassment cases
Harassment cases could be extremely complex. They may involve a great deal of evidence, may go on for a long period of time and in some cases, might involve unknown harassers.
Our experience in successfully handling complex online harassment cases
What makes online harassment cases so complex
How to overcome objective difficulties when handling complex harassment cases
Our experience in successfully handling complex online harassment cases
If you happened to suffer the misfortune of suffering online harassment, you will surely know that online harassment could be highly complex and hardly ever straightforward to bring to an end. Many victims of online harassment are left to fend for themselves with little support from the criminal justice system or from the legal profession. This, however, should not be held against neither, as online harassment is still a phenomenon that very few law enforcement officers or solicitors know how to properly handle. For the past 15 years, Cohen Davis lawyers have been at the forefront of the fight against online harassment, providing unparalleled support and legal advice to victims of online harassment from the UK abroad.
What makes online harassment cases so complex
There are various reasons why online harassment cases tend to be complex. For example:
- Online harassment cases often involve large amount of evidence. Gathering, categorising, analysing and preserving evidence in the right way, which would be admission in court, is a major part in the was a successful harassment case is handled. Our firm has special software gather, categorise and analyse evidence in a manageable way, which is also cost effective.
- Online harassment cases often involve evasive defendants. Identifying harassers who have been getting away with harassing their victim for such as long time, is always a challenge. There are many ways by which we go on to identity and track down online harassers. Much of our success in this field of holding online harassers to account, is owned to our extensive experience in handling complex cases of online harassment.
- Victims of online harassment often destroy evidence. Particularly in the early days, weeks, month or years of being victims of online harassments, victims tend to destroy harassing posts, images and messages with the hope that this will make it easier for them to move on with their lives. This sometimes presents a real challenge to our lawyers as recovering or reconstructing those pieces of evidence could be technically difficult but not always impossible.
- Victims of online harassment are often highly traumatised. Particularly victims of long-term stalking and harassment becoming highly suspicious and mistrusting of other people. They have been let down by so many professional people who were meant to help them as well as had their trust in the good human nature devastated by their harasser. This often means that the solicitor who handles their harassment case, has to be highly sensitive to their feelings and emotions and be super helpful in guiding and supporting their client through the various legal challenges that are inevitable part of nearly every complex harassment case
How to overcome objective difficulties when handling complex harassment cases
The best way to overcome difficulties that involved in complex harassment cases, is to have an experience handling your case. The law firm needs to have systems and processes that are designed to cost effectively handle complex harassment cases, including the right technology that helps process evidence, communicate with the client and make the entire information accessible to all those lawyers, barristers and paralegals who work on the case.
Are you a victim of online harassment? Time might be of the essence. Call us now for legal advice on +44 207 183 4123 or send a request and we will contact you as soon as possible.
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