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TheInternet LawCentre

Identifying anonymous internet users

  • Low Cost Norwich Pharmacal Order Service

    Low Cost Norwich Pharmacal Order Service

    Affordable Norwich Pharmacal Order (NPO) Service

    Norwich Pharmacal Orders (NPOs) are a type of order which can be obtained from the High Court. They are frequently used in cases where confidential information is held by a third party and is needed in order to bring proceedings against another party, for example where someone has been the victim of online harassment.

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    Cohen Davis win the first ever case of damages award for defamation and breach of data

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    How to fight back against anonymous defamation

    Anonymous Internet defamation: what to do

    The challenge of addressing online defamation is exacerbated when the perpetrator hides behind the veil of anonymity. However, with the evolving digital landscape, there are systematic measures and legal tools that can help unveil the identity of such defamers and protect the reputation of the aggrieved party. Here's an overview of what to do when confronted with anonymous internet defamation.

    Table of content


  • Questions about Norwich Pharmacal Order

    Questions about Norwich Pharmacal Order

    All you need to know about Norwich Pharmacal Orders

    Norwich Pharmacal Orders are a legal mechanism used in the UK for obtaining information from a third party involved in wrongdoings or unlawful activities. This legal remedy, named after the landmark case of Norwich Pharmacal v Customs and Excise Commissioners, is widely used in various litigation cases, ranging from intellectual property disputes to cybercrime investigations. However, despite its frequent usage, the Norwich

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    How to find out the identity of online criminals

    Financial crimes online have become more prevalent and sophisticated with the rise of digital technology. Countless people have suffered losses at the hands of cybercriminals who operate anonymously, making it challenging to track them down.

    Norwich Pharmacal orders have been an instrumental tool in the legal system to assist people who have been victims of online financial crimes. This order compels third parties that

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    Find hidden domain owner

    Uncovering the true identity of a domain name owner can be a complicated and time-consuming process. In some cases, you may need to get a court order or a subpoena to access the information you are seeking.

    A court order or subpoena can require an Internet service provider (ISP) or domain name registrar to disclose the identity of the person or organisation behind a particular domain name. This blog post will provide a detailed


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